Blessitt S. Bryant - National Democratic Training Committee
 Blessitt S. Bryant headshot

Blessitt S. Bryant

Blessitt S. Bryant (pronouns: they/theirs) uses evidence-based digital tactics and traditional organizing principles to create online movements that spur communities to action and helps the world’s leading nonprofits, foundations, and social enterprises design digital ecosystems that create change globally. Blessitt has built a decade-long career in the nonprofit advocacy space, serving in senior digital communications and strategy roles at the AFL-CIO and the Service Employees International Union, where they served as the online voice of the Union’s International President Mary Kay Henry. Blessitt’s commitment to social justice extends beyond the office—they are a social media influencer changing the definition of beauty by celebrating life as an unapologetic queer style icon with cerebral palsy, believing that being comfortable in your own skin is always in style. Blessitt can often be found promenading through Washington, DC, in one of their favorite capes, dusters, or kimonos.